Friday, November 26, 2010

Bad Services of Airtel....

 "atoott bandhan and atoott network" wrong 
"toot tha huwa bandhan & toot tha huwa network" right

I am an Airtel customer,using this service from past 2 months.I have seen alot of faults in Airtel services.First I tried activating a sim card & sim card got activated but we couldn't receive the calls neither recharge and use,when we called customer care,they were rude and said the card needs to be reactivated as its partially activated.(What an excuse of hiding their fault.)We again bought a new sim card,which I am using, till now had an offer of free sms & all local calls 50 paise.Later by Airtel's default activation,they activated Hello tunes on my no. and deducted(robbed) Rs.30 from my credit balance.When I complaint about it to customer care,they said it is been activated from our side,as they didn't wanted to take the blame on themselves & said they can't refund the money.After few days they activated something called Mirchi Masala offer which I don't know what mirchi & masala does it have,for which they again deducted (robbed) Rs.5 for it and said if we want to deactivate it can be done but no refunding.Again there was a change of scheme in which my free sms were being charged,when we again called customer care,they said that the scheme is that initial sms will be charged and rest will be free but as per my knowledge when I had activated this new sim card,the scheme was daily 150 sms local & national totally free, it looks like I recharge the currency for my usage but the usage is done by Airtel Company.It also happened that one of my cousin's Airtel pre-paid no.which he was using from past 4 years all of a sudden got deactivated and after few days it was been activated for someone else without my cousin's knowledge and he was been asked to submit his documents,photographs & application for for the same number four to five time & he was loyally submitting the documents,thinking that his airtel pre-paid no.will be activated back for him to use.Even after all this they were not satisfied so they played another trick,there was a wrong recharge of Rs.56 on my Airtel pre-paid card all my calls and sms where barred,when asked about it to customer care people said that the tariff plan is changed and said all my calls Re.1 per minute and sms will be charged Re.1 per sms.The wrong recharge which they had done the amount was also not credited to my account balance but they showed the transaction successful and amount credited. In fact my credit balance was also been deducted. Over that the executive said that the tariff plan can not be changed for next 1 year, we have to keep recharging for Airtel Company benefit & while we were still talking to the Airtel Customer Care executive he just disconnected the call on us & in turn block all my calls to Airtel Customer Care & Airtel Complaint Help line,even the calls which we do to customer care which should actually be free is also charged. This is what AIRTEL say's "ATOOTTH BANDAN ATOOT NETWORK" where as it should have been like this "TOOT THA HUWA BANDHAN & TOOT THA HOWA NETWORK"

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Current Affair in India.....


U.S.A President Barack Obama visited Indian on November 6th 2010.The Main agenda of this visit was to strengthen the India-U.S partnership & relationship. President Obama announced the removal of export control restrictions on Indian companies and have trade deals worth US$10 billion which would create 50,000 job opportunities.His meeting with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is likely to elevate India-U.S. strategic partnership to a new level which will benefit the countries as well as the mankind.
         President Obama remarked that the two countries share a vision of the future built on "security & prosperity".Quoting Max Muller,President Obama said " whatever sphere of the human mind you may select for your study,whether it be language,or religion,or mythology,or philosophy,whether it be laws or customs,primitive art or science,you have to go to India."Because,he said,"some of the most valuable and instructive material of the history of man are treasured up in India & India only".
         President Obama's visit also stated the present situations in Afghanistan and Pakistan and the world economy.He said that U.S. is committed in working with Pakistan government in order to eradicate the extremism which is cancerous for the country as well as the world.
          The Joint Press Conference meeting of President Obama with P.M.Manmohan Singh announced the measures of eradicating terrorism,sharing intelligence & preventing the spread of nuclear weapons.
           Personally,I feel that this visit of President Obama will strengthen the India-U.S.ties,will prove beneficial for Indians with regard to employment opportunities.His visit & stay at Taj,Mumbai gives strong message against terrorism.Cooperation in setting up a Global Center for Nuclear Energy Partnership,establish India-U.S. Energy Partnership and the establishment & operation of Global Detection Center in India are few to mention.     

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Current Social Issues in India


India being one of the developing countries in the world is also facing challenges on social issues such as HIV and Drug abuse.
       India is one of the countries where HIV and drugs usage has been increasing.We find alot of youth using cannabis,opiates and prescription drugs because of the easy availability.
                  Earlier reports have shown that sharing needles (IDU) is driving a new infection in the north-eastern states of the country like Manipur,Mizoram and Nagaland areas where intake of heroin is more.IDU has increased from 0.9% to 1.7% for HIV injection and Andhra Pradesh & Punjab are at a higher risk.
               In recent reports,it has shown that use of illicit drugs is widely spread in India.The use of cocaine among people has increased,opium is being used by population in north-western parts of the country and migrated population are highly indulged in prescription painkillers such as oxycotin. 
               Increase in HIV has made public health experts to ask the governments to decriminalize drug users & lift bans on drugs methadone and burenorphine which is used in De-addiction centers for substitution maintenance therapy.Scientific evidence should be incorporated into illicit drug policies that are pushing injectors from prevention & care services infections.
               In 2008,HIV in adult has dropped in India from 0.45 to 0.29 but Andhra Pradesh still shows 1% infection down.Whereas,unprotected & unhygienic physical relationship (87% heterosexual & 1.5% homosexual) still remains the main route for the transmission of disease.
                Now a days world is focusing on innovations in medical sciences,diagnostics to understand the virus.Whereas India still sticks on to its old tested methods of preventing the disease such as preventing mother to child transmission,preventing from usage of infected syringes or blades,physical relation with same gender,injecting drug users and people who are indulged in illegal physical relation work.
                It is one of the main issues in the Public health safety which India is taking alot of preventive steps & make people aware of this deadly disease.